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  • When the first pregnancy symptoms?
    When do the first pregnancy symptoms appear? The process of getting pregnant and being pregnant brings a mix of excitement and excitement. From the moment of conception, your body begins to change and a magical journey begins. A time of wonder, incredible power and sometimes uncertainty. At Dana Center, we completely understand this and prefer…
  • Being Overtime. What does this mean?
    You were expecting your period and haven’t gotten your period yet…. In most cases, being “overdue” means you may be pregnant, but not always; menstrual cycles can vary, making it difficult to determine exactly when you are “overdue. What can it mean if your period is delayed? And what can you do to eliminate any…
  • Benefits Applied IPT Techniques for Healthcare Professionals and Clients
    As a healthcare professional, you face the daily challenge of providing the best possible care to your clients. Whether you work as an obstetrician, (pelvic) physiotherapist, (obstetric) doctor (in formation) or, in a related discipline, you are constantly looking for ways to improve the quality of care and optimize the well-being of your clients. We…
  • Massaging your pelvis internally in preparation for childbirth, is it a good idea?
    In this video, I explain exactly what Integral Pelvic Therapy® is and how you can use it to prepare for your labor! #integralpelvictherapy#bekkenmassage#embodiedconsent#verloskunde
  • Orgasmic childbirth, what about it?
    Orgasmic childbirth, what about it? That can’t be, that doesn’t exist, how can it be? I got so many questions about this that I decided to make a video of it!