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Echoes during pregnancy

Every pregnant person is welcome to have an ultrasound at Dana’s. Both medical ultrasounds on the indication of your midwife, as well as a pretecho you can have done on your own request. You are not obliged to have an ultrasound, the choice is up to you and your partner. Even the medical ultrasounds that are reimbursed by your health insurance company are not mandatory. We do advise you to discuss the pros and cons with your midwife so that you can make a well-considered choice. Our ultrasound technician Marloes performs the ultrasounds for us.

Vitality ultrasound

Between 6 and 10 weeks of pregnancy, you can have a vitality ultrasound. You can choose this yourself or there may be a medical reason that it is recommended. For example, irregular cycle, recent contraceptive discontinuation or a miscarriage in the past history.

A vitality ultrasound can provide clarity about your early pregnancy. Among other things, it looks at:

  • Whether the pregnancy is inside or outside the uterus.
  • Whether the embryo has settled in the right place in the uterus (for example, not in the transition to a fallopian tube or at the site of a C-section scar).
  • Whether the heart is beating.
  • Whether you are pregnant with a singleton or a multiple.
  • Whether any abnormality is visible in or around the uterus, such as a cyst or fibroid.

The ultrasound technician cannot yet tell you how long you are pregnant. It is difficult to be certain at this time. The term ultrasound will tell you more about the gestational age and the due date.

If you have planned pregnancy, you can usually calculate it: you count the number of weeks from the first day of your last period. Note that this is only an estimate. As soon as the ultrasound operator can measure the foetus, you will be told a reliable term. This is also the term your midwife will assume for the rest of your pregnancy.

Good to know: the ultrasound technician may suggest doing the vitality ultrasound internally for an optimal image. The embryo may still be so small that it cannot be seen with an external ultrasound. Your choice always comes first.

Term ultrasound

During the term ultrasound, the ultrasound technician will look at your baby’s size and early development for you. Using the crown-to-breech length, we can make a fairly reliable estimate of your baby’s age. This can be used to determine the due date. In most cases, this ultrasound can be done through your belly.

This ultrasound is performed on medical grounds and thus reimbursed by your health insurance.

13-week ultrasound

Every pregnant woman will have the choice of having a 13-week (first trimester screening) ultrasound since September 2021. The implementation is still part of a nationwide scientific study. When you have the 13-week ultrasound, you automatically participate in this study. The purpose of the study is to find out if it makes sense to screen at this term: can we already detect abnormalities and how good are we at it? Does it make sense? Does it provide better outcomes for the pregnancy? Participation in the study and having the ultrasound done is free of charge for pregnant women.

20-week ultrasound

The 20-week ultrasound is performed on medical grounds and is therefore covered by your health insurance. Among other things, it looks at the growth and development of the brain, heart, back, organs and limbs. The location of the placenta is examined. During the medical ultrasounds, it is recommended not to bring children with you. This is better for the ultrasound technician’s concentration. For children, these ultrasounds are often too long and not interesting. And something special may be seen on the ultrasound.

Dana is affiliated with regional center Utrecht (SPSRU). If any abnormalities are seen on a screening ultrasound, a follow-up appointment will be scheduled at the WKZ at your convenience.

Diagnostic ultrasound

It is also sometimes desirable to look specifically at the growth of your child, the location of the placenta or its position, for example, by means of an ultrasound. You decide this together with your midwife. A diagnostic ultrasound is on medical grounds and is therefore covered by your health insurance.

Sex determination from 15 weeks

From 15 weeks you can do a sex determination ultrasound. At the 13-week ultrasound, it is still just too early to see it really well. For medical and ethical reasons, it is not allowed to look at the gender during the 13-week screening.

When you come for an ultrasound

We try as much as possible to combine your ultrasound and midwife appointment. Therefore, sometimes you may have to wait a while with our assistant in the waiting room.

To get the best image, it may help if your bladder is full. During medical ultrasounds, it is not recommended to bring children with you. This is better for the ultrasound technician’s concentration. For children, these ultrasounds often take too long. During an ultrasound, our ultrasound technician Marloes explains what she is looking at. You will always receive a picture of your baby.

Fun echo at your own request

At any point in your pregnancy, you are welcome to choose to have an ultrasound. This can be an early ultrasound, for example, to confirm whether you are indeed pregnant, or a sex determination from 15 weeks. Until about 32 weeks, you can get a good view of your baby. After that it becomes very full in your belly and the image is not always recognizable for the untrained viewer. Of course, we always depend on the position of your baby. You are also welcome after 32 weeks, just keep in mind that the image is fuller. We no longer make 3D ultrasounds from April, because we have chosen for a brand new High-end ultrasound system with even better 2D image.

Ultrasounds on your own request are not covered by your health insurance. So you pay these yourself.

Learn more about medical screening in pregnancy:

Terms and conditions of ultrasound at Dana Center